Self-oriented career planning platform for University Admission.

Cidentify offers School Career Counselling Services, Career Management System, Career Test, Study Abroad, Education, Language, Study Visa, Bridge Programs, Career, Counselling, University Admissions, Foundation, Trips, Programs, Master & PhD services.

Cidentify actively provides career guidance to students, parents, and schools by giving them the scope to vary their lives and succeed in possible things via self-awareness using their potential. CMS offers to help students' future careers building and provide that they are making the most out of their future career awareness.

Academic Coaching at Cidentify
It is an individualized student counselling service that
-supports to identify the test and content,
-encourages to motivate,
-locks to study,
-enhances students’ academic performance by helping them recognize their strengths,
-grows their academic skills and habits,
-develops well-designed action plans.
Our academic experts guide you to fix a timetable that you achieve more .

Helping students choose a study that is compatible with abilities, By providing the necessary information on the study areas in both the educational and vocational aspects in order to prepare the student himself for his professional future, taking into account the need to balance the student between his ambitions and abilities so that he can adapt to the profession of the future. Preventive guidance Is to educate the student and prevent him from falling into some problems, whether study, health, psychological or social, which may result from some negative practices, and work to remove the causes. Enlightening students with the college system and university regulations, and taking note of the various problems and explaining their causes.

Suppose you are a career counselor, an HR manager, or simply leading a team of people. In that case, you will be required to do personality assessments to identify the potential of clients, students, or employees with dynamic career direction and options that align with their interests and abilities. Assessment Certification training will introduce you to the psychological theory and practical application of your chosen instrument. Each certification gives you the tools you need to deliver real insight for your staff, clients, or students.

Yes, Cidentify is a representative of a US test company. Successful careers require consultancy!
We offer Career and Personality tests to identify the ideal job content for you by identifying your motivations and preferences.

Yes, Cidentify is a consultancy to help students grab the opportunity of overseas learning. Our wide range of consultancy and counseling services guide and support students in course selection, application, test preparation, admission, and other processes they have to go through to study abroad.

Yes, We guide students to put applications into action for the university admission requirements and application process. Cidentify is a great company in the field of Education, Study abroad, Online & On-campus university admissions and preparation of Top & IVY League universities for full scholarship admissions, IELTS/SAT/TOEFL Preparation, etc. Study in the UK, USA, Europe, etc. We bring all opportunities to you, continue your education and career.

We check the profile of students and prepare a checklist for university admission, and then we help to decide the universities which you will apply to. After all steps, we identify requirements according to your university selection, and then we start to guide how you will write essays. We review your essay and help to make it better.

Scholarship Assistance
100% - Get A Full Scholarship
Scholarships help to study free tuition for college or career school and don't have to be repaid. Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to assist students earning colleges and universities` undergraduate degrees. Sometimes a scholarship may be a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and supply money for college kids each semester or academic year.
We guide you on the way to request financial assistance or college scholarships.

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